Pancake mania!

Crappy iPhone pic, I know!
I think I eat way too many pancakes. And I feel like both talking and writing in English for now. Probably because I have eaten so many pancakes, it makes me weird. A maniac, from pancake mania, haha! If you're wondering, my pancakes are perfect. They have applesauce on them, which is devine. Where did that word come from Mimmi? Oh well!
Yesterday was an incredibly happy and energetic day! I woke up at 6 am and started writing on an essay, because, well, I'm freaking weird. Just to add to my weirdness, the essay isn't due until two weeks. But then I was happy all day. I couldn't stop talking, and I talked way too fast. It was a good time. On my way to the stable I annoyed Sara with my laugh, but that's okay, she would miss it if I didn't laugh! Then in the stable I stood on my head, laughed, ran out of people who were willing to listen to my constant babble, so instead I sang to Martin. It was Hakuna Matata, Woopido, and Havet Är Djupt. He seemed to appreciate it, a lot... 
To be honest I enjoy when people laugh at me. Rather than make a weird face because they think I'm annoying, haha! Yesterday was a good, happy day. Today will be too.

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