Do you want to know something about me?
I am probably one of the most childish nineteen year olds where I live. Or at least the only one to admit to being childish. I wish I was brave enough to always just show that side of me to people. Unfortunately, in our society, that isn't who I'm supposed to be. I think that's why I've always enjoyed hanging out with people younger than me, not because they're more childish, but because they look up to me because of my age and therefore are more accepting of me being me. I don't have to be afraid of losing them when I show them who I am.
This summer I really wanted to keep on being myself. In doing so, in daring to act like me, I got completely rejected and humiliated by a person. It really hurt me. I think it hurt the way I see her.
I want to be the girl who just stands on her head in the hall, because she doesn't care what people think. I want to be able to, because I know I will be accepted anyway. That is who I was in America. But people in Sweden aren't like Americans. So for now I'll just be Mimmi, the lost and confused. Hoping to find security in the new people around her.
Do you want to know something about me? I have trouble falling asleep, so I think too much.
Du är stark som vågar vara dig själv, fortsätt med det!