All these new years resolutions, they drive me crazy! People may have good intentions with their resolutions, but to be truthfull, I do not believe this kind of a resolution is the way to any success. It always seems like new years resolutions mirror what we are not satisfied about with ourselves. Thereby, we are set up to fail. Not happy with your body? Do not promise yourself that you are going to workout to look better, it will not work in the long run! Being healthy and happy has nothing to do with what you look like, but everything to do with your own view of yourself. You will never look better than when you have a healthy approach to yourself and your body. My belief is that the only way for you to be happy about what you look like is if you learn to love what you see because you are healthy on the inside.
Most people feel better on the inside if they perform some kind of daily activity, which is the reason for our screwed up health ideals. We see people who are helathy and have the dream-look, we see them happy, and we think "If I look like that I will be just as happy". This is where it goes wrong. Working out becomes something negative, because we do not think we are good enough from the beginning.
If you instead decide to work out to be happy on the inside, you will grow stronger, healthier and happier! Your looks may not change drastically, or at all, but it will not matter, because your own approach to yourself will get bettered. You may not even need to work out, if you just change your view on yourself you could have reached your target already. To other people, you will look just like those people in the magazines, it is all about your glow. With happiness you will glow, whatever size you are.
So please, think about this now, if you make any resolutions, base them on your future wellbeing. Do not base them on any negativity you feel towards yourself, that is not the way to success. Success will be found from within, so focus on your inner self, you have always been beautiful.